Thursday, November 01, 2007


Yes, we're off and running in this year's Nano.

After a slow start and easing into the groove. It will take a while, the first ten or so pages are so much crap and will probably be deleted. At the very least, a major overhaul is necessary.

I know what I wanted to say, but it's all lacking a good deal of description and characterisation. I figure as I go on, that will come, too.

The first day always suck, no matter how well thought out the initial stages are. Every year I've done this, the first three chapters need major work to fix what I really wanted to say. As long as I hit the high points, I suppose it's okay.

It's not important until I'm done, but it sure is annoying.

I'm thinking I'm going to read this stuff and wince - rightly so, but I want something good enough to post as an excerpt, too. I'll look at what I've done today, tomorrow and make a decision then.

For now, I've done enough - 5k - and I don't want to wear myself out. The trick to completing a book, not just the Nano requirements, is to pace yourself.

I'm done with day one. Tomorrow, well, Dom has to get out of Afghanistan with the loot under the eyes of the United Nations and with a really, really pissed off CIA agent on her tail. I wonder how she's gonna do that?

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