Monday, November 05, 2007

For every problem...

...there is a solution.

Yep, I found a flaw in the so called impregnable security. A weakness, a flaw, that no one could see. Not that it's going to do the villains any good. Hah!

Death! Destruction! And a couple of lucky escapes, I think. We need witnesses to this travesty and the men of Alpha Squad are just the unlucky bods.

So, all up, it's been a fairly productive work day. I had to take a three-hour break to watch my boys demolish Philadelphia, heh, heh, and after that, the writing flowed much better. So I've done five and a half thousand words today. Five thousand a day is the average I'm looking for.

Actually, I'm 'banking' some words because I have to be away in a couple of weekends time and I don't want to regret not being further along than I want to be.

If I get into the groove tomorrow, the 40k is my target. Which means, oh hey, I'll be doing at least one... um... sex scene - they're always good to boost the word count, but it has to be for a purpose, not because I want the 40k.

So, on tomorrow's agenda is blood, guts, danger, sex, regrets, murderous intent, escape from peril... um... hmmm, a revelation or two, and a damned good recipe! I think I'll be posting an excerpt on the site and a snippet here.


Bri said...

:) Sounds fantastic. Blood guts, danger! Glad the writing is going so well and thanks for the birthday wishes! Do post a snippe - and I'm hoping that most of your nano updates are this entertaining :D

Anonymous said...

Glad the book is going well :) Tomorrow's agenda sounds like a fun mix of stuff to write.

Jaye Patrick said...

There's a snippet up on the Nano site, but I'm guessing you want one here?

Don't think I can post the... naughty bits, but I'll think of something.