Friday, November 16, 2007

Lazy muse

My muse is a lazy slug.

Oh, yes indeed. She doesn't get revved up until after lunch, leaving me to struggle through the morning. The word count doesn't reflect that, but trust me, I haven't written more than two thousand words in a morning session.

It's not that she stays out late, partying to all hours of the morning, or simply refuses to get moving; it's a simple case of her not being a morning person.

It doesn't matter if I have coffee in hand, plan in mind on how to proceed, sitting in front of the keyboard ready to go, either. She just doesn't like to think that hard until after lunch.

Then I'm struggling to keep up. The dialogue, the scenery, the character interaction works better for the muse in the afternoon. I've checked my work after a marathon session and the amount of words I've missed or skipped... I know, I know, no editing until December, but these are the snippets I post on the site, and I can't guarantee I got all of 'em.

Of course, it could be her way of punishing me for starting this NaNo in the first place, when after last year, I'd all but decided not to do it this year.

Yeah, I think she's pissed off. She's had a lovely holiday this year and now she has to work for a living.

I also know she's gonna punish me for writing this. But, I'm off to Canberra this weekend so my nice little graph is going to be small steps, or no steps. But that's why I've numbed my butt on the seat, so I could 'bank' those word counts for days when I knew I'd be away from the keyboard.

All I can say is, she'd better be ready Monday morning, 'cause she is gonna get a flogging as I write the ending to this book.

1 comment:

Gabriele Campbell said...

Not being a morning person myself, I can understand your muse. :)

The problem with mine is that he's off to Scotland most of the time.