Saturday, November 03, 2007


Sometimes, it just doesn't work for me.

I've written 10,000 words and I've hit a roadblock. It happens. The story just doesn't want to move forward. Worse, I have to keep reminding myself that this book isn't first person, it's third.

I can see where I went wrong: I started at the wrong spot and probably with the wrong perspective. I could delete it and start again, but the work itself is fine, really, really rough, but fine. How do I get around this? I'm not the kind of writer who can write blocks of text and then fit them later. I write sequentially; I tell the story through the characters eyes.

But my mind was telling me I was wrong in so many ways, thus the current roadblock. The characters wouldn't move on until I saw reason; and so I have.

They're not especially happy with the third person, but they do accept it, knowing I can change that if it doesn't work.

The other change is that I went back to the beginning. It reads better starting in Medieval Germany rather than that part being told as backstory. Well... it's kind of both. I'm doing the block of text thing, but differently: I've written the Germanic scene and I'm now writing the stuff that comes before it, in the current day, if you get what I mean: I'm writing towards this piece, and knowing it is there means I have a link to work towards.

Yeah, it's a candy scene, one the scenes you know you're gonna enjoy writing but have to work towards it. I've now got that scene and am writing to match it. Agreed, it's out of sequence, but once it's done, everything else should flow nicely... I hope.

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