Monday, November 19, 2007

Ending? What ending?

And so, the end is near, blah, blah, blah, blah, the final curtain... Never could remember the middle bit.

Yeah. I thought this morning that I could finally write the ending of this piece, but then the hero decided he was going to rescue the heroine, even though she doesn't need it and got himself caught in the process.

Admirable sentiments, but sucky in the execution. He and a couple of others are not stuck in cells with magnetic locks. Where's MacGyver when you need him? Hmm?? Off playing about through the Stargate, that's what.

Well, for every problem there's a solution, though I can't see it at the moment. I'm guessing it will come to me - all it takes is to turn the problem around and look at it from an alternative viewpoint.

Good thing I've got everybody right where I want them: in dire straits. I've just got to get them out of the cells, defeat the virtually indestructible bad guys, let the anti-hero escape somehow, kill off a couple of people, destroy one man's dream and set the place on fire so there's no evidence of the Knights as a precursor to the next book. Yeah, simple...

Why am I doing this again?


Jason said...

It always scares me when my stories go off in directions I didn't plan. I get all frozen up like "what do I do now?"

Good luck on finishing it off.

Jaye Patrick said...

Thanks, Jason.

I get around the 'what now' by thinking 'and then...' instead.