Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Nano is nigh

I'm making final preparations for tomorrow.

I've cleared off my desk of odd notes for various projects, so I won't get distracted by family tree tid-bits, or political stuff, or notes I've jotted down for other stories. It also means my reference texts, like the dictionaries and thesauruses are readily available.

I'm making up my playlists. These are blocked into mood, depending on what I'm writing. Action scenes are all robust instrumentals, like parts of the soundtrack to Conan the Barbarian, Tchaikovsky and Wagner. Other moods have songs with lyrics, but it's the music that creates the mood on a subliminal level. I won't remember hearing the songs, but the music is different, it's an subconscious thing.

I've done my daily update sheet to keep track of my word and page counts, and the automatic statistical data.

I have the first couple of chapters firming up in my head, too.

Then there are the peripherals: favourite coffee, ready to brew, snackage, exercise routine sorted, and finally the fingernails trimmed off (there's nothing worse than constantly hitting the wrong key because your fingernails are too long).

I'm also keeping an eye on the weather. We're expecting storms later this week, so I've got pen and paper ready, just in case.

Finally, there's a story up at The Takeaway. Regardless of Nano, another story will be up on or around November 21.

So, I'm nearly set. Action will commence at about nine am, Australian time - hours before the U.S., so the first excerpt will be up tomorrow afternoon. Good luck to all who are participating.

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