Monday, October 29, 2007

DST, Nano

Winter is officially over and Daylight Savings Time has begun.

I'm not very good at adjusting the internal clock. Messes with the thought processes to be getting up an 'hour' earlier.

Of course, it also means that Summer is moving in and that Nano is nigh. There's nothing like a challenge to shake out the cobwebs.

The characters are busily murmuring at the back of my mind and landscapes are also cropping up along with fights and dialogues. It's as if they're backstage muttering their lines in preparation for the stage; all the last minute stuff.

As an advertisement, it would probably read: Immortal woman seeks vengeance against fiancee and others for human experimentation.

I still haven't decided on an ending... happy or just continuing? I suspect it's all going to depend on how much I can write and how fast I do it. I'm trying to be reasonable and just finish the book, but if previous years are anything to go by, that's not going to work; I can't stand to write the 50k and have a week or two spare. I've got to keep writing. And before you curl your lip at such arrogance, I've been typing for a number of years and have a speed of close to 100wpm: story in my head + fast typing speed = high word count.

Maybe if I don't have a goal, ie 50k, one book, a trilogy, I can just sit, relax and write away. The downside of that will be the work done and it will be a lot.

Last year, the inner ather-lete came up against Scarlett Archer, whose word count kept topping mine grrr. Previous years, I've battled Zette and Maridius; I think it's part of my genetic make-up to have to write more. I failed against Zette, but then, she's the Master wordsmith.

Maybe, I'm looking at Nano as one long Word War and in war, there is only win. In the end though, Nano provides the opportunity to write a book and after all, you can't edit what you haven't written.


Gabriele Campbell said...

Well, have fun.

I'm so not prepared, the slowness of the forums suck, I have PMS, and I will fail again. Miserably. :)

I should stop doing it, really.

Jaye Patrick said...

I'm sorry to hear that, G., but every word counts.

Maybe some free writing? You're so well versed in Roman history, how about some free writing? Just... go for it!

Gabriele Campbell said...

Actually Jaye, I've always seen it as fun and didn't care about my wordcount (at least it was more words Nov. 30 than Nov. 1), but part of the fun is the forums, and those suck this year because of the slowness, and right now the one I'm most active on (Historical fiction) is only half there. Thus I'm not really in the mood for Nano.

Jaye Patrick said...

Maybe I'll pop on over, say something provocative and let loose the plot bunnies!