Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Heat Wave

Jeez, I write one post on climate change and the climate changes.

It feels like we've skipped Spring and headed straight into Summer. It's currently a blistering 33C. I know there's something wrong with one of my temp gauge in the back yard because it's registering 46C! (Probably has something to do with it being in the sun and in a clear plastic tube.) Humidity is also down to 13 percent, which is drier than a burnt chip as far as I'm concerned.

I'm not putting the jumpers away just yet because October is notoriously fickle when it comes to weather. Cold in the mornings, hot in the afternoon, or just plain windy - okay, gale-force winds.

For anyone who wants to check out their carbon footprint Action Earth has a nifty little program. It's in metric so you'll have to do the calculations. For our house, the footprint is 4.8 tonnes a year. Hah! The average for an Australian household is 20, so we are doing rather well. We can do better, we're just a bit lazy...

Still, I have to note that, with all this brouhaha over climate change, I've yet to see the post-apocalyptic genre take off. There were so many in the 90s, what with the threat of nuclear devastation, bio-weapons and the like. Will we see books with climate change as a source for disaster? How would the human race survive? There are so many projections, which ones come close to being true - although any of them could work.

The best I know of so far, is the vignette program Afterworld, which is, I have to say, intriguing and addictive. Looks like I'll have to write something myself. Now there's a plan.


Pandababy said...

Thank you for the Action Earth link, Jaye. I'll have to go see what our footprint is.

"Jeez, I write one post on climate change and the climate changes." Well now, we could really use some sunshine here - could you aim it in our direction, please?

Jaye Patrick said...

Let me know how you go. I'd be interested in how the populace, no matter where they are, compare.