Friday, June 08, 2007

Wild and Woolly

Winter weather has descended with a vengeance.

The wind is gale-force at times and bitterly cold, the rain heavy, but patchy and when the sun does come out, it lacks warmth. And the weather is set to deteriorate overnight. I love it.

Sure, I get paranoid about heavy rain and flooding, but my work volume goes up. I don't know why. I'm not a Summer writer; the heat just sucks all my creativity away. The cold, that's another story. The synapses start firing and I've got more ideas cramed in my head than Paris has clothes in her closet. (Damn, I wasn't going to mention that spoiled, manipulative, ridiculously pathetic weenie.)

Anyway, with the weather raging outside, I can sit and create, or edit or both. This is the kind of weather I've been waiting for and I'm hoping to have more work on show by the end of the weekend. In fact, I should be getting back to it; I need some info on Stirling Castle first though...

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