Friday, November 03, 2006


The sound you hear is the outline imploding and collapsing into infinity.

Yep, knew it would happen, but not so quickly. Actually, I was trying hard to keep to the outline; after all, I spent some significant time working on it.

The first chapter, I thought, went well and I took it as a good sign. But, no. It was not to be. I am, undoubtedly, an organic writer. I simply cannot stick to an outline, no matter how well-crafted and information driven. It's just not me.

I found myself writing about stuff that was supposed to happen in chapter five, in the third chapter. I'm hoping that when it comes time to do the rewrite and editing, I can fix that - for the time line if nothing else.

For now, I'm going to use the outline as a guide, as sign posts to what I want in the books, so all that work isn't wasted.

Tip No.2: Find your comfort zone and stay there. I know it's said that a writer should be able to write anywhere, but amidst screaming children, a barking dog fighting neighbours, that is a lie. Writers do need to turn off the noise to concentrate, but it's better if there's a space for them somewhere in the house; away from noise, away from demands, away from the real world. Simply tell people you are taking a time out for two hours. Let them know that this two hour time out will happen every day, for a month. Get the household used to this idea, and even when NaNo is over, you'll still have that time reserved for yourself. Keep it, do not let anyone take that time from you, it can't be regained.

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