Sunday, October 15, 2006

First Draft Done

Day Strider - the rewrite, comes in at just under 20k.

The editing may make it larger or smaller; larger would be better, smaller would suck. I could already see, in my brief overlook of it the work, that some areas need some adjusting because of what comes after.

It's always difficult to plunge yourself into a story while real life happens around you and the past week has been difficult. Those difficulties were reflected in what I wrote on those particular days. It didn't detract from the overall story line, but it did change a few things. Things I'll have to go back and look at closely.

I could see a bit of confusion there as well which will have to be sorted.

Still, I'm happy it's done and I can take a break. Not for too long though, I have to distract myself with plotting and mulling over the two books I plan to write for NaNo.

The challenge this year is not to write an epic of 150+k, but to write to a word limit on each of 70-85k and no more.

I suspect my journalist training will come in handy for this, but I'll have to balance it out with my creative side so I don't skimp on the descriptions.

For the moment, I'm going to relax with a book.

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