Wednesday, October 25, 2006


Grr... so far the web page isn't behaving as it should before publishing it to the real world. Obviously, there's something I'm not understanding, or the Zerocatch site is just being obstreperous because it can and will cause me the most amount of stress!

Not entirely sure what to do about that, but it's good to have a couple of back up plans. Of course, if I mention them here, it will all go pear-shaped and I'll be buggered.

I want a website, if only to be able to post excerpts and linkages. Not much good having a writer's blog if you can show off your longer wares; short ones, yeah, okay. I worked long and hard on my books and I want to share some of that effort.

I'm going to explore the options. Somewhere, out there, is a simple web-hosting site I can upload my HTML to. All I've got to do is find it... before Monday.

1 comment:

Gabriele Campbell said...

Problem with the free ones is that most of them have ads. :(

I have several domains and only use one of them for now. Should really think about what to do with the other two :)