Thursday, July 19, 2007

The Visit

Hmm, that didn’t go well.

Day one of The Visit and my jaw is so tight I could crack the new crown through sheer frustration.

I’m sure they don’t try to piss me off on purpose and my own attitude probably isn’t helping, but… I wish they’d stay away from my computer! Especially when I’m working on it!

They were supposed to be down the beach, until little Miss stepped into some seaweed and had to come home.

I’d actually decided to work while they were off doing stuff; while here, I figured I’d join in conversations, watch the teev with them, dine with them, you know, the usual stuff when you’ve got visitors.

Tonight, they’re out watching Harry Potter and I’m doing this (right before I record Lost because they’d like to see it.

I’ve managed to put up a story on The Takeaway. I think it pays to be consistent and it’s only a day late.

Now, I shall go and press the record button and fall into bed. I. Am. Exhausted.


Pandababy said...

Deep breaths, Jaye. Now, visualize the pretty feather, rising and falling with your breath...

Unh-unh. Don't grind those pretty teeth. Make a pot of tea - try chamomile, it is very relaxing...

When it is just impossible, picture your revenge when you go visit them, and schedule a break with your older sister, so you can vent safely.

Take care!

I'm off to read your new Takaway.

Jason said...

It'll be okay Jaye, just breathe. I hope everything gets better.

Jaye Patrick said...

Thanks, peeps. It's over now. Nuff said.