Monday, July 16, 2007

Orright then?

So I went off and saw Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix today.

Unlike the critics, I enjoyed it, and I must note, that a lot of the reviewers confessed to not having read the book. My question is: why did they review the movie, if they had no idea about the nuances, or the subplots, or the clues?

This is why I rarely read reviews or take their comments under advisement.

Although... after watching the film, I wondered how the series would fair as movies under the guidance of Peter Jackson. Hmmm? But that's another argument.

With all the films, a lot had to be cut; otherwise they'd be four or more hours long. I have no problem with the lengths as they stand.

Yes, it's a darker film, but so is the book. Yes, it's filled with angst, but so are most teenagers and it pisses me off that so many reviewers failed to get those points - probably because they haven't read the damn book and they don't have teenagers.

I, like the rest of JK Rowlings fans, am waiting with anticipation for the final book released on Saturday. It's gonna be a bunfight to get the book, I just know it, but I'm sharpening up the elbows to forge my way through the crowds.

If you want something extra, go here. It will give you something to think about.


Unknown said...

My preorder is ready and waiting :) I'm glad you liked the movie; we're hoping to go this weekend.

Jason said...

I liked the movie too. The books get consistently darker, so it makes sense that the movies get darker. That's why I ignore the reviewers too. They never know what they're talking about.

That was an interesting article, Jaye.