Thursday, July 12, 2007

Ah... yes....

On the heels of yesterday's post, a story idea slammed me upside the head.

The problem is, of course, that I've got plenty of stuff to be getting on with, without starting a new book. And yet, the idea continues to grow, to fill out, regardless of what I might want.

The Muse has been quite for a while, but she's now back in full colour. Much as I'd like to blame her, I started it, and all it took was seeing helicopter lights in the distance at night. I couldn't here the 'copters, but I knew what the lights were.

I live almost exactly between a Naval Air Station and the Royal Australian Naval College. We often get ships in the Bay exercising and big Caribou or Hercules aircraft overhead ready to drop paratroops near the field. It didn't take much for the imagination to take off.

The 'what ifs' began. From there, it was the 'whys' and then the 'how would you get around thats'. And now I've got the 'whos'. It won't take long for the 'futuristic whens' to turn up and we can party.

As a non-outline writer, I'll probably have most of the story running through my head before I put finger to keyboard. I'm going to try some vague outlining first; that way, it won't be spoiled when I actually start.

It's all terribly inconvenient: My brother and his family flew into Australia this week from Denmark. They're due to drop in for a week on Wednesday. Isn't always the way? Right when you need the time, something unavoidable crops up.


Jason said...

Blasted muses. They always abandon you when you need them, and when you need to concentrate on something else they're whispering in your ear of promises and secrets.

Congrats on the win by the way, and your story idea sounds very interesting.

Pandababy said...

"The 'what ifs' began. From there, it was the 'whys' and then the 'how would you get around thats'. And now I've got the 'whos'. It won't take long for the 'futuristic whens' to turn up and we can party."

A most charming description of the creative process, Jaye. And congrats on another win at PBW!

Unknown said...

Ain't it the truth :) Those muses are complete teases - I know I could strangle mine on occasion.

Jaye Patrick said...

Thanks, Jason and Panda. I really should withdraw from the comps and let someone else win! It must be costing PBW a fortune to send it all Down Under!

Meryl, interestingly enough, I'm listening to Michael Buble's Call Me Irresponsible. Seems appropriate for all muses, I think.