Thursday, January 11, 2007


I've been tagged by that Madman Scribbler for a meme on five little known facts.

1. I grew up on a Navy base; the base was a college for training Navy cadets to be officers, and is now still a college but for advanced training in seamanship.

2. I still struggle with the stiff-backed discipline from those days that urge me to work until a project is done ("if it's worth doing, it's worth doing well", to the extreme). Stress is, therefore, a major problem for me.

3. I once graded vegetables in England - I can now tell you what the perfect carrot, potato, beetroot... looks like.

4. As a six-year-old, I was dressed up like a garage for the end of year play. My twin sister was dressed up like a red car.

5. The one and only time I smoked marijuana at university, it gave me a migraine.

There you have it. Anyone else who wishes to participate in this tag, is... tagged.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hmm, I'm on the flip side of your "stiff-backed discipline" problem. I don't have the discipline to do much. I'm trying to fix that this year.