Monday, February 04, 2008

Pod Slurping?

It raised my eyebrows, but it's the Macquarie Dictionary's word of the year. Apparently, it's: the downloading of large quantities of data to an MP3 player or memory stick from a computer.

Who knew? Not me, but then I'm an Oxford girl (I think my British roots are showing. 'scuse me while I tuck them away). The Macquarie is Australia's dictionary, full of colloquialisms as well as standard words, but it's always interesting to see what new words are turning up, like -

Informania: the tendency to give immediate attention to incoming messages such as email, text messages, etc., resulting in constant distraction and a corresponding drop in the recipient's attention levels and work performance. And we've all seen, or know someone who does this.

Floordrobe: noun Colloquial (humorous) a floor littered with discarded clothes, viewed ironically as a clothing storage system. [floor + (war)drobe]. Huh? You mean I was trendy years ago?

Man flu: noun Colloquial (humorous) a minor cold contracted by a man who proceeds to exaggerate the symptoms enormously. 'Nuff said.

Arse antlers: plural noun Colloquial a tattoo just above the buttocks, having a central section and curving extensions on each side. Ahh, now I have a name to go along with 'butt floss'.

Fauxtography: noun the manipulation of photographic or video images to convey a false representation of events. [faux + (pho)tography] Plenty of that going on around the web.

Nerdcore: noun a subgenre of hip-hop music characterised by subject matter considered of interest to nerds, such as technology, politics and science fiction; geeksta rap. Also, nerdcore hip-hop. [nerd + (hard)core] I like that, "geeksta rap". Now they have their own genre.

All of these definitions, and more, can be found at the Macquarie Dictionary site. Go. Have a giggle. Now, back to werk.

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