Monday, December 03, 2007


I'm finally getting around to the stats of Nano.

Worst day: 30th with 1816 - epilogue;
Best day: 26th with 12361 - your eyeballs hurt after a while and your fingers go all dyslexic;
Average: 6691.77 - which means you can have excellent days and shockers and still do well overall.
Pages: 880 double; 440 single - well, duh.
Books: Two.
Word count for each: 132056 and 75389 - one's gonna have chunks cut out and the other needs more.
Total: 207445
Result: Two books, ignored housework, jungle for a backyard, overdose of caffeine, too much snackage, not enough exercise, lack of sleep, one sulking muse, one over-the-top, getting-up-my-nose, smug inner athlete who's lookin' to die, one proud family and one exasperated sibling demanding publication.

So it's done. Nano is over and I won't mention it again - well, until I get down to editing, that is. I'm not sure when that will be: my edit pile is rivalling my tbr pile - so not a good thing. What's the point of doing all this hard work if I'm not doing anything with it?

I'm going to post a short story this week and another just before Christmas, probably on the Solistice... if I can get this tired brain of mine working again. Coupla shots of Jack, and who knows what kind of tripe I can write!


Pandababy said...

The rhythmic pounding you're hearing is ***applause*** from this side of the Pacific.

You set a high bar to shoot for, Jaye, but I'm smiling here to read of your NaNo adventures.


Jason said...

Way to go, Jaye! Nice one! I don't know if I could ever write over 12,000 words in a day.

Jaye Patrick said...

Thanks, P.; for two days I was ahead of the Word Queen, Lizette, but I dropped the ball on the last day.

And thank you, too, Jason. It's hard work. I sat at the computer for nigh on 13 hours to get that word count - I won't be doing that again any time soon.