Friday, May 18, 2007


There's a mouse in the house and I'm looking at it. How can it be so cute when I know it can be destructive? It's barely two inches long (without the tail) and is looking at me, whiskers a'twitching, big dark eyes staring back.

I have a tower unit for my computer and during the Summer, the innards heated up so I took the side cover off, rested against the unit. This mouse - mouse-ette? mouseling? mini-mouse? - crept along the gap at the bottom to sit, quite patiently, at the entrance less than five inches away to watch me; brave little beggar.

Once assured I wasn't going to grab it, out it came, crawled into my empty nut/dried fruit container, then out again. It walked slowly back into the computer and ducked under the empty, second fan unit where, I suppose, it's a lot warmer than outside the computer.

What to do? What to do?

Well. Nothing. The guilt I felt a couple of years ago killing half a dozen of it's brethren still lurks. I just can't do it. Instead, I'll close up the computer and if it decides to visit again... I just watch it; but if I see any damage around the house, sigh, I'll have to do something drastic... like catch them and put them outside somewhere.

I don't want a mouse plague, but I don't want to kill them, either; it's bad for my karma.