Thursday, May 25, 2006

Expanding the world

PBW, that font of all writing knowledge, has a series of three posts on Story-to-Blog. It is not only worth reading, but also considering, as I am.

My stories may not win any prizes... yet... but to set up another linked blog with samples, is certainly a brilliant idea. My closest consideration to doing this was that the posts would be too long, so I junked the idea. The solution, of course, is simple: start a new blog with stories only and link the sucker to this one and that one to this one.

Jeez... If I'm brave enough to post my opinions on all manner of topic, I should be brave enough to put my work out there! And PBW's suggestion is just the focus I need.

People may not read them; or they might... er, will (I've yet to see a blog with zero visitors and zero comments - even mine, heh, heh).

In fact, when trying to think of what to blog tonight, I figured I might post the first sentence of a few of the pieces I've done for the Forward Motion story-a-day marathon.

So... come the weekend, I'll set up another blog with some fiction on it. As someone famously said (so famous, in fact, I have no idea who): You have no right to keep your imagination to yourself.

Ain't that the truth.


Anonymous said...

I'm waiting for that site . . . ;) I'll trade you reads. I posted a story, too, after Sheila wrote that trio of posts.

Jaye Patrick said...

I had a thought that, with doing the story-a-day marathon, a full time job and looking after an aged parent, I didn't need the added stress of another blog.

However, when the marathon ends, well, hey! I'll have that time to work on the new site.

So, stay tuned. "It won't happen overnight, but it will happen".