Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Days like these

I knew I should have stayed in bed. God. The sun wasn't even up. I am so over Daylight Savings, and to have it extended for a week to cover the Commonwealth Games, well, that's just mean. I expect the sun to be up before me. Weather forecast: it's too dark to see, just go with the flow.

But work beckoned. Gotta go if I want to pay the bills and all that.

Yeah, got there a little late; no big deal, I'm the first one in anyway. The main database computer wouldn't start, gave me a 'cpu changed, input new information and save!' Sure, only I don't know it. Weather forecast: rumbles of thunder and doom heading my way.

Everyone else piles in and each and everyone of them say, 'hey, the computer's not working'. I repeat ad nauseum that I know and there's nothing I can do except put a call into the technician. "Sure, we'll put it down as 'urgent'." I'm sure I can hear muffled laughter in the background. Glad I could amuse someone. Weather forecast: cloudy with the promise of sunshine that probably won't happen.

Turn over of duties because my supervisor is going on two months leave. I didn't remember signing up for all this extra stuff, but okay, it'll be fine. Now I'm responsible for Court proceedings and financials. Hmmm... weather forecast: expect hail and lightning strikes. Day going to hell.

Customer comes in ranting and raving about not being treated with respect. Actually, it was "You treat us like shit, you fucking c...s!" No, I'm not going to reconnect your electricity until you pay us what you owe. I didn't remind her that she was two months late. She pays up and demands immediate connection. I politely demure. The electrician is 30 miles away and won't be able to do it until the morning. More ranting, but accepts this. Wants to lodge formal complaint. Isn't happy with my offer of speaking to the Deputy Director, wants the top bodgie. Okay, here's his number, may I have yours so he can call you? Customer obliges with ill-grace. I'll have him call you as soon as he returns from his meeting. Weather forecast: storm front moving on, but expect showers to continue.

Relate situation to supervisor who wusses out and arranges reconnection for the afternoon, thus giving the bitch the moral high ground, the ammunition to trash us and to spread the news that a little pressure will bring the right result even when not entitled to it. Supervisor goes on leave in two days leaving two of us to deal with the fallout. Weather forecast: Sunny periods as lunchtime approaches.

Director interrupts lunch and blissful peace of illusion via Eric Flint's Ring of Fire to tell me customer is unhappy about the way she was treated. Chastised for being rude. I express my lack of faith in her honesty and again explain the situation adding there were witnesses. Boss unimpressed, but it has been dealt with. Don't have to apologise. Well, phew, can't have that can we? Fancy apologising for being polite and calm? Weather forecast: Sunny periods obscured by fog.

More customers come in to pay electricity. Give them hand written receipts that will have to be inputted into the computer later. Expect these customers to be sent automatic final notices with added fees because the computer is down. Weather forecast: Heavy rain of "I paid this on time!"

Two more customers come in for licences fifteen minutes before closing. Nope, you're not on the system, must contact a different state to confirm. Well, hell. Here, fill out the paperwork and we'll be ready for you tomorrow. Fine. Apologise for the lack of information. Not our fault, system sucks. Don't it just. Weather forecast: forget it. Start again tomorrow.

Close up shop. No sign of computer tech. Weather forecast: Strong winds of denial followed by cold front of disbelief and frustration. Expect sunny periods late Friday about 4.30pm.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Someone needs to give your director a reality check. Does anyone still believe the customer is always right?