Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Overturned and underwhelmed

Finally, common sense has overcome elitism in that the recent 'annoyance' law has been overturned in the Federal Court.

Two university activists took the NSW Government to court over the law, claiming it was unconstitutional to infringe on a person's right to peace protest.

Of course, in a smug rebuttal, NSW Premier, Morris Iemma said: "Two words have been struck out - the words 'and annoyance'".

And while all this bullshit is going on, a vandal has written Ratzinger Rules on one of our war memorials. The Pope belonged to a paramilitary organisation in Germany during the Second World War.

There's nothing like a religious circus to piss off the natives: Sydney CBD is currently experiencing gridlock as thousands of pilgrims head to Darling Harbour for the opening ceremony. As for ordinary commuters on their way home from work, well, tough shit. It's not as if your every day lives are anywhere near as important as the Bible-thumping, hallelujahing, devoutly-religious, god-botherers good time.

And let's remember, peeps, not to cause any inconvenience to the speshul pilgrims. Gee, only another week of this to go...

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