Thursday, July 24, 2008

Moving forward

The five o'clock gong has sounded and it's time to put away imaginary things.

It's all so very frustrating and slow. I've done minor edits on the first four chapters and I'm working through the second (I'll probably finish the eighth chapter tonight).

What I'm not doing is going back. Like writing, once you start you don't stop until it's done. Move forward. While editing, have a notebook handy for, well, notes on things you're unsure about or changes.

Once I've done all the chapters, it will be time to put it all together again and read through. I figure that's when the inner critic will be loud in my ear. I have so-oo got to kill that bitch.

I did find I've used the word 'some' way too much: something, somebody, some. Now that I look at the word, it's weird. (Not like polydactyl, which is cool.)

There's something amiss and I don't know what it is. I can't recall who said it, but he 'skips over the boring bits' and that's what I've done in writing this book. So much has happened in seven chapters, I'm wondering if it's too much. But... I think I need to put in a few more descriptive phrases. Not alot, just a few to bolster the readability. I can't tell editing four chapters at a time and stopping. I'll need to look once it's back together.

It's time for a break and domestic stuff - getting away from the work is always good. It settles the mind to nut out what's wrong and how to fix it. At least in my world it does.

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