Thursday, January 31, 2008

Up there, out there

Well, we're all still here, regardless of the doomsayers might want. There's no sign of the Blue-tongues, though - maybe the rough weather has them hiding out.

No photos either; the clouds obscured the sky and I couldn't find the tripod - no surprise there, that's what safe places are for.

I'm into the final edits of Demonesque, and yes, I've been doing this for a while, picking and poking and re-writing and... so on. Who knew I had so many '-ly' words to sort out. How many?

When I did a search and colour change, two and a half thousand. I thought I'd sorted it, but obviously not. Those adverbs are so easy, loitering about sentences, demanding payment for services rendered, the sluts.

I'm pleased at the lack of passives though, I think I've scared the off. Being non-confrontational, they cower at the sight of action. So. I'm nearly done.

So close, that I'm looking at sending stuff off to an agent next week. And since I've just said that in the public domain, I'll have to follow through. No wussing out. My expectations? Ahm... I'm sticking my fingers in my ears and I'm not listening! And you can't make me! La-la-la-la...

The work will be out, released into the wild to survive or not on its own. Sad, yes, exciting, absolutely.

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