Friday, December 01, 2006

NaNo done

Across the world, writers are muttering under their breath "thank (insert prefered deity) that's over!"

No more frantic writing to reach the daily word counts, no more excuses for not making it, no more worrying if you've got a double superlative or your particples are dangling, whether you need to put in a gratuitous sex/action scene to make up the numbers... until next year, anyway.

For me, well, I'm just as relieved. I get just as manic to write as much as I can; I planned weekends around it, put off housework, the garden, proper meals, sleep, to reach my impossible target of three books. But. I did it.

NaNo to me isn't about making the 50,000 words - I knew I could do it and it's not, by my definition, a book. So I set my own challenge: a challenge that would not be easy to accomplish. I managed it with three days to spare. (Sook that I am, I stopped once my reward turned up instead of diving into the editing phase.)

Here, then, are the stats:

Thirty available writing days (used 27): 186682 total word count; average of 6022 per day over 30 days (6667 over 27); four 10k+ days, three 9k days, one 8k day, eight 7k days, two 6k days, three 5k days, three 4k days, four 3k days and the rest are zero days. Highest daily count: 10463, lowest: 3264. Page count: 794 (double spaced) 379 (single spaced).

Other stats like scenes - and their type, chapters, characters will have to wait for editing. And, do you know what? I'm not going to do that until January. I'm taking a time out to work on other stuff; let the books settle (not that I can remember much of what I've written!) then I'll savage them all, turn them into somethng readable.

For now, thank the Goddess that's over!


Gabriele Campbell said...

Congrats on reaching your personal goal.

I still think it's crazy to write so many words during Nano, but 'crazy' come with the job description for a writer. ;)

Jaye Patrick said...

Thanks, G., and you're right: it was crazy of me.

I'm hoping next year to break the inner athlete's fingers, or something, to stop such mania! LOL.