Thursday, September 01, 2005

Tiger's Tail

Salman Rushdie is tempting fate again:

I agree with him. He brought down upon his head a Fatwa by criticizing Islam in his book Satanic Verses. The Ayatollah Khomeini issued a religious edict calling for his execution. That pronoucement in itself shows the perils of giving one man so much power. He had radical fundamentalists hunting a man for writing a few words? I don't see the Christians, the Jews, the Buddhists, the Taoists, the Pagans, the Catholics hunting down people for slights against their religions.

Islamists should get a grip. Like every other religion, it's time for the Islamic Reformation. What the radical moslems are being taught today is, in no way, shape or form, a part of Islamic doctrine. Any moderate will tell you suicide bombing is against islamic teachings; the burkha is a personal choice and woman are supposed to be by their husband's side, not a few steps behind.

There is much in the Koran that has been corrupted by power-hungry Clerics and Mullahs. Worse, they are teaching the young to hate anyone not of their faith, that they are worthy, less than animals. Muhommad would be appalled at how his once peaceful and understanding faith has fallen into the hands of egotistical, arrogant and cowardly men who reply to any sort of criticism with vengeance.

Each and every one of those radical Mullahs has a personal agenda to forward and are using the young and impressionable to see that agenda fulfilled. It has nothing to do with religious intolerance or revenge and everything to do with how many followers the Mullahs can muster.

Just by writing this, I'm grabbing the tiger's tail oo, but I'm secure in the knowledge, that since no one has commented on my previous posts, there are precious few out there reading this blog. That being so, this post will fall into the pit of archives before a Fatwa can be declared on me.

Go, Salman, Go Salman!

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