Sunday, September 18, 2005

Da Weekend

Had some of the family visiting for the weekend, but I managed to finish the edits of my book. Chapter twenty-five required an almost total rewrite. I thought I had a clever confrontation, but, while it was clever, it was also a cop out and out of character (thank you, Vanessa Jaye).

The new section reads better, feels more real, and has the added bonus of some neat kick ass action. Clues are there, throughout the book, so I haven't hidden anything. I just hope it works well enough.

Hah! Now I get to put the whole thing back together, let it stew for a while, then read through before handing it off to an independant critiquer. I'm excited and nervous about that, but it gotta be done. Woot!

I think I'll just go and have a glass of congrats on a job finally done.

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