Saturday, January 07, 2006


Forgive me, God of Web World, for I have sinned, it's been a week since my last blog...

Yeah. Who knew twelve-year-olds required so much attention? I have spent hours at the beach, at the movies, playing Mah Jong and baby sitting even smaller human relations this week, and I am... worn out. I took the aforementioned twelve-year-old back to her home, some 280 kilometres away and have returned in a fugue state. I feel like I've done a marathon. Tomorrow, my eldest sister arrives with a few hours of Hex to watch, yippee!

Monday, however, looms large and ominous. Yessiree Bob. Time to get on with the New Year's resolutions and my list of things to catch up on is crooking it's blackened, evil finger. No more screwing around. I have an assignment to finish, books to edit, books to read, books to make notes on, anime to watch, exercise to get on with and, oh... right... housework. Bleh.

Ah, well. The Yule tree has been dismantled, my work space, er, not cleaned up per se, as in sneered at stuff moved (read: piled up elsewhere).

I will confess, here and now, that I'm not really a summer writer. Summer wears me out with the hot temperatures, the warm winds and moisture sucking lack of humidity. I just don't find it fun, or conducive to writing. Autumn, winter and spring is when I get most of my work done, but I cannot afford to slack off like the past three weeks. Writing must be done. Editing must be done. Sending my work out mu..., um... I'll get to that. Eventually. Okay, this year. I promise...

The holidays are over, kids have dispersed and I'm once more on my own to do what I please. My head is overfull with story ideas and it's time to get on with it. I'm off to do just that: make notes on new works.

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