Tuesday, July 25, 2006

New toy

Yep. I've got a new toy. I'm no Luddite, but I am a little slow in picking up new technology (must have something to do with the expense).

A Jump drive. Sometimes known as a stick, thumb, 'store 'n' go' and a number of other, drive.

At 256mb, it's not the biggest portable drive, but who the hell needs gigabytes? I've downloaded ten books and four years worth of story-a-day marathons on it and I've still only used a quarter of this mighty drive. Heh.

Why have I purchased such a thing? Because sometimes, my day at the office has no work and I must look busy. What better way than to look absolutely focused and busy as editing various works-in-progress?

Yes, it's cheating. Yes, I'm getting paid to do a particular job. Yes, most employers would be pissy about it (but only if I get caught). Yes, it's morally reprehensible for me to do my own work and get the government to pay for it when so many others are so needy. I've heard it all before and agree.

Or I once would have. That avenue leads to stress and I've had enough of that. I'm not going to badger people for work until I'm weighted down with new duties. I've been there and done that too.

I am a minion now. And they (the government) needed someone to fill in the gaps of duties. I do that. They just didn't reckon on getteng someone who would do the work quickly and efficiently. Blah, enough of that.

I'm going to take my work to work and still be there when required. My writing is important and I'm tired of coming home too tired to do it, so I'll take it with me.

High dudgeon, high horse, justifying myself indeed.

Must be a hangover from the face ache of yesterday.

Today, not so much sheer, bloody agony from the tooth. (It must have heard my conversation with the dentist on extraction and decided to behave.) A good dose of hypocras helped, too - it has cloves in it. Let's hear it for ancient remedies!

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