Saturday, June 03, 2006

The... other blog

Okey dokey, I've set up another weblog that will contain stories and excerpts from works-in-progress. Nothing today, just an introduction.

Tomorrow, the first story will go up at Jaye Patrick's Takeaway.

The good side is that it will provide me with a forum for the work - I don't expect too many comments, given the plethora of weblogs out there, but if I get one, it will be worthwhile; on the bad side, it's yet another bloody username and password to remember.

I already have four e-mail accounts and a squillion registrations on various sites I visit, now two weblogs. I'm gonna have to keep a book of them all!

I'm going to select an appropriate first story. Probably one that's already been read via the Forward Motion web site, but that's fine. This is for a wider audience.

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