Tuesday, October 11, 2005

A joke of politicians

It's hard to take our so-called representatives seriously when they are so ill-informed.

At the heart is the Government's new Industrial Relations package that introduces the idea of workers being able to negotiate their public holidays, allowances, overtime and meal breaks for higher wages. Bear in mind that these are automatically guaranteed anyway and are protected under the legislation.

Various religious groups, the Catholic and Anglican churches, have expressed concern about this, even though neither commentator has read the entire legislation.

Worse, these comments have provoked a number of politicians to applaud the churches for involving themselves in matters of state. Hello? State and Church are separate for a reason. And Kim? You should fucking know better than to give legs to a lie! Unfortunately, it's not the first time. The Kyoto Protocol comments being an example.

I would have thought Senators Joyce and Fielding would have the curtesy of informing themselves better before taking to the media and stirring up trouble that will, no doubt, backfire again. New Senators like these might think they are flexing their political muscles, but the Opposition must be snickering something fierce at their idiocy and the Government, rolling their eyes.

Have they learned nothing since the debacle of the Telstra sale? I'm sure they see themselves, at least Joyce does, as the conscience of the Parliament, but jeez, these guys should get a grip. If they want to remind the Government they are there, then for God's sake, become informed about a subject before shooting yourself in the foot!

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