Sunday, May 02, 2010


Story-a-day marathon time at Forward Motion. WOOT! Yes, thirty-one sometimes 'wow-out-there-for-creativity' and sometimes 'what-were-you-thinking,-writing-that-after-a-few-glasses-of-Merlot' stories, mixed in with 'well-that-was-boring-but-it's-done'.

...I haven't started yet. But that's okay, I'll catch up. I like my challenges with a bit of relish.

Most of the stories use a generator and I am looking at the scenarios. My fav place for story prompts is the Seventh Sanctum, which has buckets of generators to choose from or The Speculative Fiction Muse.

I might try some new ones, like The Do It Yourself Giallo Kit, or any one of the photograph websites for visual prompts. There are plenty of sites out there for inspiration.

I can write one out of every three from ideas that happen to drop out of my head onto the page. And now, I'd better get to it; with marathons, thinking you can catch up is a good way to not reach your goal.

Picture by Lazette Gifford - damn, she's clever!

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