Monday, September 04, 2006

Minorities suck

How is it that a minority can attract such media attention to a simple suggestion?

Australia is for Australians; anyone who immigrates here is welcome, of course. Those who take out citizen have our thanks and our hellos, for it is no easy thing to give up home and country to take on a new nation and create a new family and memories...

You know what? To hell with trying to write something that tiptoes around other peoples sensibilities, or isn't necessarily politically correct.

The subject is minorities, and the adjunct to that is their bitter complaint about Prime Minister Howard's comments on a small section of the Islamic community that is resistant to integration into Australian society; that they should make an effort to learn English and have more respect for women.

The Australian is just one of the media sources where by this quote, in response, was made: "There's no value in pointing out the minority of the Muslim group," Islamic leader Iktimal Hage-Ali, a member of the Prime Minister's advisory group said. She accused Mr Howard of threatening to further marginalise Muslims.

Marginalise? Marginalize? Respecting women, speaking the language is marginalising?

A decade ago, it was a requirement to immigration that migrants have a working knowledge of English. There was even a test for it. I doubt there is that requirement now, or it is simply overlooked or disregarded as being 'discriminatory'.

It is an increasing complaint amongst the citizenry that there are too many enclaves; too many of our new migrants who prefer to stay in those enclaves and make no effort whatsoever to integrate. They expect the free health care, the unemployment benefits or pensions, the public housing, the free training and prefered status for job seekers; they expect everything this country has to offer without earning it, without giving the rest of the society a chance. These people prefer to bring their own nations' prejudices and despicable attitudes here where they can practice them in safety.

And yes, it is a very, very small minority that does this and it is across the board of nationalities, so why the fuck does the PMs comment piss them off so royally and why has the media even paid these tossers any attention?

Because it's controversial, it smacks of the new definition of rascism (that is: anything criticizing a race - be it attitude, lifestyle, education, haircuts,anything is considered rascist by that particular race) and it pitches a beleagued ethnic group against the uppermost levels of government.

To those pain-in-the-arse minorities: get off your lazy butts and make something of yourselves. You came to this country to make a new start, get to it! And stop bitching at the rest of us because 'it's all too hard', or 'I can't get a job because I'm [insert ethnic or religious group here].

This country was built by migrants. Hell, my mother is a migrant and she is fiercely Australian and English. I'm sick to death of the whinging and accusations. Get over yourselves and move on.

There. A rant fest. I feel so much better now. Although I can see how reading too many of the stories and create a festering of resentment. Have to stop that... but there are so many examples of this shit (see Grasshoppers and Squirrels) below.

1 comment:

Joe @ said...

It will all come back to you one of these days.