Monday, September 25, 2006

Down Time

The modem died. It curled up it's electronic toes on Friday and I spent the weekend sans Internet. So, no researching for the novella. Eep!

I figured it was a sign to stop mucking about and get some work done on PBW's Challenge ; which I duly did, pecking away at the keyboard, editing what I'd already written.

The weather decided to turn ugly. Hot northerly, gale-force winds that dropped trees and branches... across the power lines. Blip. No more computer, either; mid-word, too.

Definitely a sigh moment.

I didn't want to tempt fate a third time by picking up a pen, so I went upstairs to finish the book I was reading... Rachel Caine's Ill Wind; the irony is in your face, ain't it.

Sometimes you've just got to go with the flow.

Today, Monday, the weather is magnificent, cool with a light breeze, blue Spring skies and sunshine. The kind of day where I wish I had a laptop and didn't have to go and work for someone else.

I haven't yet heard from the technician who's supposed to come around and fix the modem, but that's okay, because, hey, I can do my research while I'm here at work.

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