So... you haven't had enough of abusing the keyboard? Suffering from NaNoWriMo hangover? Don't want to let go yet? Do you want more?
Here it is:
National Novel Finishing Month - your goal is to finish the novel, write the extra 30,000 words during December.
And coming up:
National Novel Editing Month - March 2010. Your goal is to commit to 50 hours of editing.
The Southern Cross Novel Challenge - June 2010. A NaNoWriMo for the southern hemisphere. Fifty thousand words goal.
Write a Damn Novel in June - A NaNoWriMo for the middle of the year. Write a novel.
July Novel Writing Month - A NaNoWriMo for July. Fifty thousand words goal.
August Novel Writing Month - A NaNoWriMo for August. Write a novel.
September Novel Writing Month Set a word-count goal and edit, write, or edit and write throughout the month of September
Want something with more intensity? Try the Book in a Week challenge. Yep, write your book in seven days. Begins on the Monday of the first full week of each month, lasts one week.
Phew. It looks like Nano has taken off in a big way. Me, I'll think about June, but nothing else. Writing six books a year would take the shine off, and the editing would be brutal.
Then again... the challenges, people, the challenges!
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