Saturday, November 24, 2007

Seven Days

A week until the end of Nano and I can see the end.

Today has probably been the worst writing day. I just can't seem to get involved with the story.

I'm looking out the window at the long grass that needs mowing; I'm thinking of all the housework I've neglected; I'm thinking of the Christmas presents I have to buy and what the menu will be. I'm also wondering when a good time to vote is - yeah, it's election day and I've got to do my civic duty (not that I have a choice since it's compulsory).

All of this dithering means the story has gone off on a tangent somewhere and it's going to be a struggle to get back on track. What I thought was a good idea has turned into a slog because of geography - it's taking my protags too long to reach their destination and writing a travelogue isn't what I want. I doubt readers will want it either.

I still have a couple of pages to write before we get into it again, but at least I'm getting there.

The important aspect of this post is that if you're bored with the writing, the reader will be bored with the reading. It's important to note that, as a writer, if you're having a tough time, then there's something fundamentally wrong; not with style or dialogue or any writing skill, but with the imagery and the content. I'll be doing some significant cutting and rewriting.

I should have listened to my subconscious days ago and I wouldn't be bitching and moaning about it.

The bad news is I'm still writing this crap; the good news is that it will soon be over and I can get on with the real story.

Hmm... the windows could do with a wash and... look at those weeds!


Pandababy said...

I'm astonished. Seriously? Compulsory voting? Literally? (running of to look it up on Google!).

Good, sound advice on writing and being involved/fascinated by the story you're telling. Not where I've been in a long time, now, but confident I'll get back there once past back to back personal crisis.

Congratulations on your production this month, Jaye. Awesome!

Jaye Patrick said...

Yes, we have compulsory voting - and I think it's a good thing.

You'll get back in the groove when you're ready, P. so don't sweat it.

And thanks, November is my big writing month so I get as much done as possible. Although... does that mean I need a reward for doing this? Wow, I can be bribed!