Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Busy here, busy there...

I'm so busy even my unbusy bits are busy!

I suppose it is the season, but I sure hope that it eases off soon.

Out there in blog land, the shite is hitting the fan over a number of things:

Holly Lisle has got herself into a pissing match with those less than mature commentators at Dear Author. Holly's right in this fight; being misrepresented, misinterpreted and misquoted is a serious thing, but not, in this instance, worth legal action. Just say 'sorry', for Pete's Sake!

Smart Bitches are having a discussion on plagiarism. The question on everyone's lips is why is it the victim who gets slammed in the media for accusing the plagiarist. It's worthwhile, so go have a read.

Tess Gerritsen is having some confidence issues. If you think eventually the nerves will go away, think again. J A Konrath has some pointers on that which may help.

Vanessa Jaye has an interesting post called Beancounters Rule the World, and ain't it the truth!

On a more positive note, Paperback Writer and Alison Kent and the Writeminded Writers are hosting give aways for Christmas. There are other competitions out there as well, if you have the time and energy to find them... which I don't, at the moment.

Ah... the internet. It so full of life and people and problems and hope and happiness and generosity and snarkiness and the list goes on. No wonder people are addicted...


Gabriele Campbell said...

Lol, I spend way too much time in that dang blogsphere. It is addictive.

At least my own post today is little text and big pics. :)

Jaye Patrick said...

And I do love your photos, G. Makes me want to visit, which I may do in the next couple of years.