Friday, July 07, 2006


All week I've had people lookin' over my shoulder while I trial this new financial system - if they were expecting praise and adulation, I'm the wrong woman to ask.

So far, all this new system has managed to do is double the work load by having to input invoices in twice and the reports? We're gonna have to guess until we get used to it. Yeah, you guessed it: NOBODY BOTHERED TO WRITE A FUCKING MANUAL!!!

I hate that kind of arrogance. "Oh, just ring me if you have any problems..." What a neato idea! Except she's going on holidays next week and refuses to suggest anyone else to help should it all go pear-shaped.

I've been exploring the system... er, no, actually, it's the test system which is a little different from the live version; happy day! A new bunch of codes to learn.

This kind of shit happens all the time in a regional office: central office are so determined that this is going to happen, they are forcing it rather than listening to the people who actually have to use this shite. Double regional office's work load? Well, it's not as if there's much else to do down there on the coast; in the sunshine, with its mild temperatures and stunning scenery. Sarcasm can truly be dangerous don't you think?

Anyway, we have decided to rebel in our own way. That is, to accept everything the 'consultant' has to say and work around the system so it fits in with our purposes, our workload and our own perfectly effective and efficient standalone computer system, while still sending off what central office demands.

Hah! We already have plans, little ones yes, but we are a service provider, and by the Goddess, we are going to provide our services without inconveniencing the customers by pissy little add ons and time consuming receipting the way Canberra want it. Nuh, uh.

And now, [insert sly washing of hands] the consultants are gone. Left us alone, disappeared from looking over my tension-filled shoulders and I can now relax.

It's been a long and tiring week and it's almost over. Sometimes, this office work is a real drag. I have got to get published so I can start working for someone I like and respect: the reader.

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